Downtown Chicago: Louis Sullivan Façade Restoration, Downtown Chicago
In 1898, Holabird and Roche designed three adjacent buildings along Chicago’s Michigan avenue. Each building, located at 18, 24, and 30 S. Michigan, housed the operations for three competing milliners: Ascher, Edison Keith, and Gage Brothers. The articulated façade at 18 S. Michigan Avenue was designed by Louis Sullivan.
In 2006 and 2007, Frank V. Gonzalez managed the façade restorations project at both 18 and 24 S. Michigan Avenue. The terra-cotta façade on the Sullivan façade was discovered with cracks and spalls. The adjacent masonry brick façade of Holabird and Roche was found with damages and the repairs of both façades were implemented in succession. Restoration began with the Sullivan façade.
Perform inspections by swing stage scaffolds, sound the masonry, and quantify the spalls for replacement.
Replicate and replace the historic terra-cotta stones and brick masonry wall to its original design.
Review previous repair documents and perform a condition survey on elevations.
Create a phased façade repair program sensitive to the Owner’s financial requirements.
Develop historically accurate construction drawings for each phase of the façade repair program to be used for permitting and construction.
We were hired to investigate the deteriorated facades, quantify the repairs, stabilize construction repair drawings, provide bidding services and construction project management. It was ensured that conformance with the construction project manual was successfully met, while maintaining the Owner’s tight schedule.